Duke Street Church, Sutton Coldfield
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What We Believe

We are a member of the Evangelical Alliance, and have adopted their Statement of Faith (www.eauk.org). A simplifed version is as follows:

We believe that the world we live in is the creation of a perfectly good and loving God, and that the key to life is found in relationship with God and aligning ourselves with God’s will. We believe that the deepest cause behind all the problems and evils in the world is a failure to be rightly related to God’s will. None of us is entirely without fault.

We believe that in Jesus Christ God became a human being, to make known in the best way possible what God is truly like and how to live in God’s will, and to make available to all people a way to become rightly related to God.

In his death Jesus took upon himself the faults of all others and suffered on our behalf what we deserve. Those who trust in Jesus are forgiven by God and brought into a right relationship with God. Jesus rose from death, and lives by his Spirit in those who trust and follow him.

Because of this we can experience in a personal way the presence of God, especially through prayer and worship, meeting with other followers of Jesus and reading the bible, which we believe to be inspired by God. We believe God guides us, helps us to change, gives us greater joy and meaning, and strengthens us when life is hard.

We believe that our relationship with God through faith in Jesus will continue beyond death, and that eventually God will re-make the world, eliminating for ever all evil and suffering and death. We believe that, just as Jesus rose from death, those who trust in him will live in renewed bodies in a renewed world.

Because this is what we believe, our purpose as a local church is to follow Jesus together in every area of our lives and relationships, and to encourage others to do the same.

T: 0121 355 7319
M: 07948 011626
E: office@dukest.org
A: duke street church
Duke Street
Sutton Coldfield
B72 1RJ
Sunday Services:
Morning: 10:30 – 12:00
worship space, duke street church
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